Being an Entrepreneur is a lot more than making some good business ideas. Selling the product you make is half the battle. As an athlete, I always connect non-sales selling to athletic terms because it makes it easier for me to understand. Mattson Rule #7 is a perfect example of that connection. You never have to like prospecting, you just have to do it. As an athlete we do prospecting all the time as a program, constantly trying to find the right kids to sell our college and team on to get them to commit. It’s the exact same thing as an entrepreneur. Finding prospective clients to sell them on your product solving their issues to get a final sale.

I think we can take the non-sales selling idea a step further than just every job does some type of non-sales selling. Being an athlete isn’t a job you do much selling in. You just play the sport. But you still have to do the steps associated with selling. Prospecting, networking events and groups, and finding the right fit for your team. Non-sales selling isn’t just a job thing, its an everything thing. If I can connect a Mattson core concept to being a lacrosse player at a small D3 school, we can connect non-sales selling to just about everything we do in life.

By arnosal

2 thoughts on “Blog #5”
  1. Yes, this is a great post. I really like how you connected the Sandler rule #7 to athletics. Prospecting is so important in sports because the person you are prosepcting has to be a good fit on the team, school, and the team. If prospecting stopped and just took students that just walked on the team, the team wouldn’t be the best it could be. great post!

  2. As an athlete I agree that we engage in non-sales selling all the time. For the volleyball team, we engage in this process when recruits come to visit. Even though we aren’t the coaches whose job is to sell the college and the program to the prospect, we are tasked with having lunch with the recruit, hosting them, and getting to know them. As we build relationships with the recruit and get to know them better, they get to know us individually and as team in the process in a natural way. So, even though our main job is to play the sport, we still engage in aspects of non-sales selling. Great post!

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