One of my favorite movies “The Greatest Showman,” a musical film inspired by the life of P.T. Barnum, serves as an example of several fundamental selling principles. The importance and power of vision and storytelling is shown through the bold P.T. Barnum. Barnum finds himself growing up poor, but he dreams his entire life of creating a form of entertainment that would be something to be remembered.  As he takes a leap of faith and opens his circus, he learns to communicate his vision to others around him with passion and enthusiasm.  Thus, Barnum’s ability to be a storyteller helps him to grow his circus as he gained support throughout America.

Next, buoyancy is seen throughout the movie.  Buoyancy is the ability to stay afloat in the sea of rejection and setbacks that are faced by every salesperson.  Throughout the movie, Barnum shows his buoyancy as he continues to bounce back, pivot, and never give up as he continues to face challenge after challenge.  Another sales principle demonstrated in “The Greatest Showman” is positive ratios. This relates to buoyancy because Barnum shows his continual optimism and shifts his perspective to focus on success as he responds to his setbacks and failures.

Finally, Barnum learns to have a good explanatory style that help him to learn from his experiences and pivot the circus in new directions.  When he faces a challenge such as a negative review from a critic, he analyzes the situation to see how he can learn and grow from it.  He then finds a new partner to the circus which leads to enormous success.  In conclusion, “The Greatest Showman” is a great movie to watch to learn about how buoyancy is a useful tool in the sales process.

One thought on “Buoyancy in The Greatest Showman – Post 3”
  1. When I watched the Greatest Showman, I just watched for the exciting plot. After reading this blog, I now can think about it from the business side of it. Awesome post!

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