One of the hardest aspects of making the sale is the ability to make that first contact with the customer. Often individuals in sales are hesitant to make the first move. They have this fear of rejection. That they as the salesperson have to please every single customer that they encounter, and perfection is the only answer. Having the ability to relax and realize that each sales call is not going to be the most optimistic. That on average most of your attempts with customers will not be perfect and there will be extreme situations of unhappy and distraught customers. Having the ability to not take it personally when you as a salesperson gets rejected will make it a lot easier in the long run. When making a call or engaging first contact just allow yourself to take a deep breath, relax, and understand that if you’re giving off stressful vibes the customer will feel that as well.

2 thoughts on “Don’t fear the call”
  1. Cold calling is very hard! You did a good job explaining how the salesperson should separate the REAL-them versus the ROLE-them, which allows them to move on from negative sales interactions while maintaining their sense of worth.

  2. I agree that having the courage to make the call can be so hard when a lot of us (as Grover achievers especially) expect perfection from ourselves. When we place this pressure on ourselves, no matter how the call goes, good, bad, or you just have a good conversation but don’t make the sale, we will always be unhappy and nitpick at something we could do better. Thus, we need to learn how to relax and view each call as an opportunity to learn and gain experience and slowly grow our confidence in the process.

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