Today in class, we talked about the power of self-talk. This is something I’ve been practicing for a few months, and these are some of the things it has provided me, and could even teach you!

  1. Boosting confidence. Talking yourself up can really increase your confidence. It helps you handle rejections because you’ll have more belief in yourself.
  2. Building resilience. Selling can be hard, but positive self-talk helps you bounce back from setbacks and failures. It keeps you going, even when things get tough.
  3. Cultivating a positive mindset. This is kind of a given, but when you talk positively to yourself, it changes how you see challenges. Suddenly, problems become opportunities, and you start tackling them with a better attitude.
  4. Improving communication. Saying positive things to yourself improves how you talk to others. It makes you come across as more upbeat and friendly, which is also great for building trust with people you’re selling to.
  5. Facilitating goal achievement. Positive self-talk keeps you focused on your goals and makes you believe you can reach them. People can do incredible things once they convince their mind to do it. It’s like having your own personal cheerleader pushing you forward!
  6. Overcoming rejection. Instead of getting down when you face rejection, positive self-talk helps you see it as a chance to learn and grow. You shake it off easier and keep moving forward. “Go for no” as they say, because it leads to the yes!

Of course, not all of these can be applied to everyone. But in general, being able to effectively talk yourself up is huge for sales and selling. It boosts your confidence, resilience, and positivity, ultimately leading to better results in the competitive world of selling.

One thought on “The Positively Powerful Power of Positivity”
  1. It’s cool to hear how a positive mindset has helped you grow in so many ways! Not only is a positive mindset helpful in sales situations, but this is something that can be taken into all areas of your life. I have been considering the power of a positive mindset in regards to volleyball recently. Having this attitude going into practice and games affects the confidence I am able to have in myself in play and also improves how I view my team’s performance as well. In the same way, positivity can greatly improve your attitude going into sales conversations as well. Great post!

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