Sandler’s 7th rule states “You never have to like prospecting, you just have to do it.” This rule focuses on the importance of continually searching for qualified potential buyers, even when the process is not enjoyable.  I have unknowingly used this rule over the past three summers as I started and have grown my swim lesson business.

When searching for customers for my swim lessons, this has required me to be very involved in knowing my target market and reaching out to new customers have young children and may be searching for swim lessons.  I do not love having to talk to people I don’t know well or putting myself out there, but it is necessary when running a business.  Thus, although cold calling is difficult, it has been a useful skill to develop.  Some people I have done this with is approaching parents in my high school, asking teachers to spread the word, messaging parents and my parent’s friends, and more.  This has taught me the best ways to initiate conversations and bring up the topic of my small swim lesson business.

Unfortunately, the conversations do not always go the way I planned them.  However, rejection is inevitable in the sales process and is something that allows you to continually grow.  I also have used several different perspectives to not give up.  First, it is important to remember to not put too much pressure on yourself and enjoy talking about something you love and care about (in this case, swimming and teaching kids how to swim.  Second, I focus on the end result of securing the client rather than focusing on the possibility of rejection.  Finally, I have learned to recognize that I may have to “kiss a lot of frogs” before I find the right prospects.  But, good things take time, patience, and practice which all are developed throughout the learning process.  In conclusion, prospecting has helped me to grow my confidence in cold calling and has continued help me to grow my swim lesson business with each summer.

One thought on “Sandler’s Rule #7 – Post 4”
  1. It’s clear that your dedication to prospecting has paid off, as evidenced by the growth of your swim lesson business with each passing summer. Your journey serves as a testament to the power of perseverance and the impact of proactive prospecting efforts.

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