Selling the Grove City College volleyball team to someone involves more than just providing information about the team; it requires engaging in meaningful dialogue, actively listening to the prospect, and addressing their concerns or potential problems. Sandler’s Rule #14, “a prospect who is listening is no prospect at all,” underscores the importance of turning the sales conversation into a two-way dialogue where the prospect’s needs and interests are prioritized.

Imagine my coach is speaking to a potential player  for the Grove City College volleyball team. Instead of bombarding them with statistics and achievements right away, he applies the principles of Rule #14 to guide the conversation.

Firstly, he recognizes that “selling ain’t telling, asking is.” Rather than dominating the conversation with information about the team, he starts the meeting by asking open-ended questions to uncover the prospect’s interests and concerns with the college and the team. For example, you might ask, “What aspects of a college are important to you?”

As the prospect shares their perspective, he follows the 70/30 rule, ensuring that they do most of the talking while he actively listens. He shows genuine interest and empathy, seeking to understand their needs and motivations at multiple levels.

When the prospect mentions a potential problem or challenge, such as finding meaningful ways to get plugged in to a Christian community, he then can seize the opportunity to engage in real dialogue. He turns their statements into questions, probing deeper to understand the root of the issue and how Grove City College can address it.

Throughout the conversation, he demonstrates that he cares about the prospect’s concerns and genuinely want to find a solution that meets their needs and find the best fit of a college for them overall. By listening attentively and refraining from talking too much, he builds trust and rapport with the prospect, increasing the likelihood of helping them decide to join the team.

In summary, selling the Grove City College volleyball team involves more than just delivering a sales pitch; it requires active listening, empathy, and meaningful dialogue. By following Sandler’s Rule #14 and engaging the prospect in a genuine conversation, you can effectively address their concerns and help find the best fit for the prospect.

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