People view successful sales people always as extroverts. This is not always the case as there are great advantages to having introvert qualities. I myself lean more towards introversion and I always saw this as a disadvantage if I were to enter the world of sales. This class has taught me the opposite. An effective salesperson is one that listens intently. Extroverts tend to run the sales conversation by talking more than the prospect and this can turn away sales. By practicing listening skills and asking important questions out of that an introvert has great advantages in this area.

Some challenges of being an introvert is with communication skills and being confident in sales conversations. Having confidence and being able to talk is a important skill of the sales person. So as an introvert it is important to work on these skills and be confident in this regard. By working on these skills and practicing keen listening skills an extrovert may lack success is right in front of you. This combination is what an effective salesperson has and at the end of the day the introvert is not at the disadvantage. Contrary to popular belief introverts can be fantastic salespeople.

2 thoughts on “Selling as an Introvert”
  1. I like that you listed the strengths of introvert sellers but I believe this post could’ve been stronger if you listed the weaknesses of introvert sellers and had better organized your post. Next time, divide the paragraphs into smaller chunks of words.

  2. Introverted strengths play to extroverted weaknesses in sales. The thought of all people having the ability to sell is important for business because even if they are not in sales roles, they are almost always doing some sort of nonsales selling.

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