Defining the misconceptions of being a salesman has been interesting throughout the beginning of this course. I’ve had my misconceptions and honestly said that salespeople don’t make money ethically. I never wanted to be in sales because I thought these things, but misconceptions are being shattered. I have done a ton of non-sales selling without even realizing it and it is one of my better skills now that I think about it. I have led in a lot of ministry contexts and done a ton of evangelism. Through this, I’ve tried to get people to see the benefits of the gospel in their lives because I genuinely care about people’s lives and whether they open the door to God in their lives is the biggest thing I care about. I’ve done non-sales selling through sermons, devotionals, filling rooms for ministry or worship nights, and most importantly using my scripture and testimonies to share what God has done in my life. Evangelizing and 1 on 1 conversations are two areas where I thrive. I’d rather be in a 1 on 1 conversation and discover the depth of how someone is doing than having a bunch of surface-level conversations with people I don’t know deeply. Sales could be a good avenue for me to tap into these skill sets more, and I’ve never considered that to be an option. I also enjoy the idea of this kind or exploratory sales that we do in class. Overall, it has been interesting to learn about something I didn’t know I did so often.

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