Attunement, Buoyancy, and Clarity are the ABC’s Daniel Pink sings in To Sell Is Human: The Surprising Truth About Moving Others. I thought his thoughts on this were interesting because I’ve heard always be closing many times before when talking about sales. This aggressive don’t take no for an answer approach can be good at times, but I think it can also be very off-putting to people. I think that Daniel comes at this from a much different angle. He explains Attunement as a way of perspective-taking and learning how to understand people. He emphasizes mastering how to take the perspective of someone else and if you can see from the client or customer’s point of view it is a great advantage. Buoyancy is the idea of being able to get back up after you get knocked down because that is bound to happen in sales, and it is okay. He explains it as “knowing how to stay afloat amidst a sea of rejection.” Salespeople can’t take the success of their sales to heart, but learning to understand that there will be times where the sales are coming in and you feel like you are drowning is important to understand. The meaning of clarity is more of identifying a pain or problem through research and understanding who you are talking with in a sales meeting. Understanding their pain means the salesperson can then solve the potential client’s problem. If a salesperson can do this well it transfers to any job and will help them close many more deals than they would’ve otherwise. I found Pink’s perspective on this subject to be interesting and refreshing because I don’t like to be pushy or pushed. I do like to understand and genuinely care about people’s needs and that’s what Pink’s ABC’s do.


Daniel Pink: Putting Your Best Pitch Forward in a Society of Salespeople – Knowledge at Wharton (


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