Talking about the way we use our bodies to show our interest or disinterest in a topic was interesting to me. I have typically in the past thought it was so dumb for someone to carry themselves properly and like they are important. I have always slouched and made people feel welcome in the way I position my body in conversation. I’ve learned how much more I pay attention and am engaged in things when I lean forward in a conversation or a lecture. All that being said my outlook on body language is changing and I think I need to take more seriously than I have in the past. I was reading through an article from Science for People explaining in more detail what this could look like practically. It talked about positive cues people can give in meetings such as, nodding, leaning, and showing of hands. They all mean different things that we mostly subconsciously think about, but I never realized how much they are done in everyday life. Leaning and Nodding are indicators that someone is interested and paying attention to conversation. Keeping hands on the table means someone has nothing to hide and is confident, which is something I would’ve never thought about. Negative cues could be smirking, pushing away from the table, or blocking by putting an object like a coffee mug between the people. I’ve never thought about how my body language in a conversation affects people and I want to consciously think about more in the conversations I’m having with people. I think this could apply to friends, family, talking to women, and walking confidently out of an office knowing you just crushed an interview.


Nonverbal Communication in Business: 17 Tips to Boost Sales (

3 thoughts on “Body Language”
  1. You’ve got some great points about body language here. I definitely think it’s something we do and read pretty naturally, so I haven’t thought too much about it either. However, learning about it has also inspired me to notice the way other people send messages about their level of interest and care. I’ve appreciated people that are really active listeners and try to be one myself. Insight on this can definitely help us communicate more effectively.

  2. Having good body language in any context, whether in sales or not is great to have. Having the ability to tell emotion and project emotion just by your body is a powerful message that should not be taken lightly. understanding how to use it doing sales is a great way to get more sales.

  3. Good body language in sales is essential as it conveys confidence, sincerity, and attentiveness to the customer. It builds trust, making the customer feel comfortable during the interaction. By maintaining eye contact, mirroring the customer’s gestures, and using open gestures, salesmen can enhance their communication effectiveness and increase the likelihood of closing deals.

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