I just recently had a buying experience when I was purchasing a new baseball glove. It was noteworthy for me to share because it was a positive experience of a salesperson doing what is right for their customer.  I customized a glove and I tailored it to have a certain color on the glove. When I received the glove one of the parts of the glove did not have the color I customized. It was a different color that did not look good. The glove company I ordered from is a massive company, so I was expecting them to be hard to reach and stubborn when I attempted to reach them about the issue.

So I sent an email out to their customer service email indicating my issue. To my surprise, I got a response from a guy named Mike within 25 minutes. Mike said that he would be pleased to help me with my issue and to call him on his cell phone. The fact that Mike wanted me to call him to resolve the issue was extremely impressive to me. Speaking to someone in real time is a game changer for communication. I gave Mike a call and he asked me to describe exactly what my issue was, so he understood. Once I explained what the issue was he said, “Just to make sure I understand your issue…..” and he reiterated what I said. This statement by Mike showed me that he understood what I needed done and we were on the same page. Mike said that it would be no issue and told me to customize a new one and he will send it to me for free. When I thanked him, he just kept saying, “No problem, Nick, I am just doing my job.” This type of buying experience is one of many that reinforced to me why I want to go into sales. I will have the opportunity to serve people, meet their needs, and exceed their expectations. This experience I had with Mike was a solid example of a positive buying experience.

One thought on “Positive Experience as a Buyer – Post #6”
  1. Meeting peoples needs and serving them are attributes that no one talks about regarding sales. I always hear people talking about the money involved with sales, but your perspective is really refreshing. Great post Nick!

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