I’ve been fortunate to find work this year, and am currently waiting to hear back from a customer on a job. I’m selling them on a landscape job. I started out letting the customer do the talking. Once I found out what they were after, I started asking a few clarifying questions to make sure we were all on the same page. What really staggered me the most however, was what clinched the job for me in the short run was my presentation. Even if I came to the house after working, I changed and threw on a nice hat and some jeans. I knew the client was a former GCC accounting grad, so I figured he would like the proposal in a neat professional format. I used a GCC binder and had dividers etc., and that clinched the job for me more than the verbal interaction.

This experience was a good reminder to me that looking good can equate to selling good so to speak, but not for the reasons one would think. The looking good is looking professional, fitting the culture that the job requires, and being neat and calculated with the paperwork as well.

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