Ambiverts posses the unique ability to walk the line between doing too much or too little, giving them an advantage when it comes to sales. I was among many who thought that extroverts excelled at sales more than introverts, and upon learning why I was wrong it made complete sense. When you think about it everything lines up, mostly in how extroverts and introverts are not better equipped than ambiverts being for having something they don’t. For extroverts, the issue is that they can easily begin to yap yap yap (I am in this boat) and as a result it can inhibit the first primary goal of a salesmen, finding the pain. As a result right out the gate extroverts are at a disadvantage. Conversely, introverts struggle with closing the sale. While the extroverts are at a disadvantage at the beginning, the introverts are at a disadvantage at the finish line. They can ask good questions, listen, and deduce the pain, but unlike the extrovert, they can become timid and lose the courage to actually close the sale. The ambivert advantage doesn’t come from anything they have that the extroverts or introverts can never have, balance just comes easier to them. Ambiverts can listen, ask questions, and close the sale without going overboard one way or the other. That is the inherent ambivert advantage.

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