Sales has changed in many ways from what they used to be, the biggest shift was with information and how available it was. Before the age of the internet there was information asymmetry in the relationship between the salesmen and the customer. However with the advent of the internet, suddenly the dynamic shifted, and information about all matters of subject became available in the blink of an eye. The salesmen used to simply know the info of the product to make the sale, now they have to know the info as best as possible to compete with the customer’s knowledge (that is if they wish to recreate info asymmetry). The customer does much more to prepare for the sales experience, and has a plethora of knowledge at their finger tips. The way forward in this scenario is not to attempt recreating the asymmetry, but rather to embrace the new dynamic. When the customer knows more about the product, more time can be spent on the actual benefits to them rather than explaining away the features.

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