The contrast between older sales models and current ones is increasingly obvious. Out-dated sales techniques include gimmicks, manipulations, trickery, persuasion, and a blatant emphasis on “closing”. One reason this old sales model is no longer effective is the concept of information asymmetry. Consumers have so much more access to information in this new technological age and often come into sales conversations well-versed in the product they are looking to buy. As sales has evolved, it has morphed into a more honest business. The emphasis is much more relationship-focused and consultative. Salespeople are looking to create a win-win scenario. Buyers are sensitive to manipulation tactics, and to close, the seller must be attuned to the buyer’s needs. Transparency is crucial in order to build trust with a buyer, and ultimately close a deal. 

One thought on “Old Sales vs New Sales”
  1. Agreed. I like that modern sales models are focused more on relationships than closing the deal. It is a way people can connect closer with each other.

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