I enjoyed learning about concept # 14 in class. It states that a prospect who is listening is no prospect at all. This was sort of a foreign concept to me because of my assumptions that salespeople try to persuade buyers into closing a deal and that they just talk and talk about how great their product is. But, the opposite is true. Successful salespeople ask a good question and shut up. They want the client to be doing the great majority of the talking, and if that doesn’t happen right away, they have no problem sitting in a little awkward silence to get the prospect talking. This concept is contrary to the popular belief surrounding sales, and it is something that is truly difficult to do! When up there on the “hot seat” it is tough to keep your head and shut up.

One thought on “Shut up!”
  1. It believe it is difficult to let the customer speak at times when you want to give them what YOU think they need to know. Letting customers talk is the best way to get to their pains, needs, and wants. I like that your post is brief but it could have used more.

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