In sales you have to learn to fail in order to win. No one got to be great at sales on their first try. This is something that our sales conversation taught me especially. In order to be great at anything, you must put in the reps. You must become a master of your art before you can teach it. This applies in all areas of life but specifically in regards to sales, you will only become better by having sales conversations, sales experience, and being in the sales world. Being a constant learner will go long way in helping you become good at sales. But the reason that all those reps are important is not because of the wins that you have along the way. It is because of the losses. In anything, but especially in sales the thing that will teach you the most are not the wins, but the losses. If you can learn to fail, you will win. But not just learn to fail. You must learn from failing, because failing without learning from your failures would actually be a larger loss than failing by itself. All this to say, the best way to learn is to fail and through failing you will win. So go forth, and FAIL.

One thought on “Go forth, and FAIL!”
  1. I really like the message of this post as a whole. As athletes we can tend to get so caught up in our failures on the field and in the weight room that we look past our own successes and let our failures weigh us down more than our successes raise us up.

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