During my internship over the summer as a recruiter, my goal was to fill positions within the department of defense within the space of Cyber security. When making calls and talking to potential candidates on the phone, I was always able to get their interests into the new position they might do until money came into the conversation. With recruiting, it is a different view of budgeting with people. In a regular sales job, the customer/client pays you, but for recruitng we pay them since they are employees of us. With that being said, I would have to talk about their salaries for the position they might do.  At first, I always told them straight what the max pay is for it and that is where I lost them. From this, I talked to a lot of co-workers in the office and mentioned to not leave that part for last, instead ask them what they are currently making and where they would like to be if a new role came across to them. As my internship went on, I started using what my co-workers told me and I started seeing a huge difference. I got ore people interviewed (eventhough they all did not work out) and through the door. It is interesting how you let someone say what they are looking for in salary and even if you are under what they want, they feel more confident in taking the new position.

4 thoughts on “Discussion 6 – Budget”
  1. It was great hearing about your personal experience in handling budget conversations throughout your internship. It’s so interesting how much of a positive difference strategic phrasing and placement of budget questions can make in a sales conversation. Great post!

  2. That’s an interesting way of handling cold calls. I like that your method is to get to know them first and discuss salary last. I don’t think I’m interested in sales but I think this is great for anyone to know.

  3. I like the life experience relation, that is interesting that at the moment of budgeting, you lost them. Budgeting can be tough and figuring out what monetarily another person is thinking is something you truly have to get to know. If guessed can result in leaving money on the table or potentially losing the sale and coming across as presumptuous. Either way, the best way to go about the budgeting process is to continue to find out more about them and their view on budget.

  4. Great post Hamel! I like how you related this discussion to your internship. Talking salary is always a hard topic, but you to bring it up is a great tactic.

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