Selling directly to another person seems daunting but it does not matter what it is you are selling or who you are selling it to, there are basic concepts that will always be effective. The first part of communication with anyone is body langue. For obvious reason, how you hold and present yourself is crucial in sales. Being attentive but calm and collected is great body language for sales. You don’t what to be over excited bouncy. Lethargy won’t get you anywhere. The second is limiting how much you talk. This is a two-part thing and something that comes with practice. The basic concept is that as the salesman you want the customer to feel like they are able to communicate clearly what they want. To do this you have to ask pointed questions that lead the customer to speak about their needs. Then you just listen. And that’s the basics of sales. Have good body language and strategically ask questions and listen.

One thought on “Basic tools for selling”
  1. I imagine how difficult it must be for most salespeople to not talk as much in a sales conversation. It is important to shut up, listen, and imitate body language to make them feel comfortable. Next time, be sure to divide your points so it is clearer to read.

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