Sales TipsWe have come across our painful customer once again and this week we are going to learn a tactic on how to keep calm even when your client it driving you up a wall. This ties in well with last times talk on how to slow the situation down and relieve some of the tension that may be building.

The Trade Show Approach

Now I am not talking about a real trade show but rather an imaginary trade show where people are watching you interact from afar. But why is this needed in the first place. Well let’s see. The customer you are working with is just nagging you about every little detail. He doesn’t trust you yet and he want to know why you are considered one of the best, but his way of doing that is pounding you with numerous questions and demanding answers. After a while this gets very infuriating and you just want to tell them to buy or leave. However, is this how you would act at a trade show, assuming you were in one.

At a trade show other people are always around watching and you do not want to make a scene because you could give your company a bad reputation. This is the approach you need to have to selling at all times. Act as if you are always being watch by another customer and you want to make it seem that you have everything under control and you and your company are nothing short of a superb. This will help you in any frustrating and nagging sale because it will force you to be patient and listen to the customer and will help you keep your cool.

I am sure there are a million other ways to stay calm in a situation like this but I find this to be an interesting and possibly new way to approach a customer like this. What are some the ways that you keep calm when dealing with a nagging and frustrating customer?

One thought on “That Annoying Customer: The Trade Show Approach”
  1. What an interesting concept. I think it is a great idea to always behave like your customer is watching. Even when you don’t think there is a customer around, you never know who a potential customer could be. If you practice this strategy, it will help keep you out of possible negative situations.

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