Creating an offer that a client cannot refuse is a key strategy in sales when you want to stand out from the competition. Standing out from the competition at least in sales will result in less rejection and more success which is exactly what we are looking for in sales and life. When you compose an irresistible offer to clients this will cause them to really consider doing business with you if they are on the fence.

When composing these offers you need to be careful that you don’t undercut yourself into making any profit off of the client because if you give them too good of an offer then you will be doing yourself a disservice. There is a distinct line between someone who is interested, but whose budget doesn’t line up to someone who is a “no.” for the people who are a no an offer is useless because they will really try to undercut you unless you give them a very good offer that won’t be good for you so understanding this is very important.

Ways that you can make sure that you are giving them a good offer for you and your client is by doing market research before you talk to them and also doing research on what your competitors are offering and seeing if you can drop your prices just low enough to spark their interest in the sales conversation is a good way. Make sure you bring up budgets and pricing in your conversation and get them to answer what they are looking for from you is important so you can gauge your price from that.

From my personal experience of selling items on many different platforms such as Facebook marketplace, eBay, stocks, and Goat I have used these tactics very often and I have found them to be very beneficial. The offer tool that they added to these platforms has been the reason I’ve been able to sell stuff very efficiently. Usually when I sell something I have to let it sit on the market for weeks, but by giving customers an offer they cannot refuse I sell it even sometimes on the same day.

By StullBW

4 thoughts on “Creating a offer you cannot refuse”
  1. Hey man
    I agree with your perspective on the power of irresistible offers in today’s competitive market. In addition, leveraging platforms like eBay offers can indeed significantly enhance customer engagement and drive sales.
    Your posts are getting better, keep up the work.

  2. Brendan, I really enjoyed reading your post. I agree that to have a good understanding of the sales situation you’re going into, it is important to “do your homework” to make sure you understand what you’re getting into. That helps build an offer that your customer can’t refuse. Good work on this post.

  3. Good post, Brendan! I agree with you stance on creating that irresistible offer. I liked how you added about your own experience selling on ebay and Facebook Marketplace as well.

  4. I liked the three areas you went into because people say create an offer, they can’t refuse all the time, but no one practically explains how to do that. I thought you did a good job explaining what creating an off someone couldn’t refuse could look like.

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