Just like anything in life continuous learning is an essential cornerstone for success for any profession. The world we live in today is extremely fast-paced and adapting to it is very important if you want the upper hand on your job. This is especially important in sales because there is a major difference between sales even ten years ago to now especially when it comes to technology.

In sales saying in front of the curve is imperative for selling new products that have just emerged in the the market. For instance, if you become complacent with sticking to what you learned from the start and don’t adjust to new sales practices then you are putting yourself at a disadvantage. With the new technology such as Zoom and other online meeting software you need to be able to operate your conversations from these platforms and if you are unable to operate them or refuse to use them then you are endangering your status at your job and could even get fired. Also understanding other industries around you is important because some of these new companies could drive your current company out of business if you do not change your approach.

When you are constantly adapting to what is new in sales you will reap the benefit. For example, if you were satisfied where you were in sales before the internet and didn’t adapt then you would’ve most likely lost your job because of how influential the internet was for sales. Being complacent with where you are will never get you to where you want to go.


By StullBW

4 thoughts on “Staying ahead of the curve”
  1. Hey Brenden Stull –
    I agree. Continuous learning is indeed indispensable in sales, ensuring relevance, credibility, and adaptability. In today’s digital age, embracing new technologies and methodologies is crucial for staying ahead. For instance, mastering data analytics can provide invaluable insights into customer behavior, driving more effective sales strategies.
    Keep doing you! 💯🔥💸

  2. Hey Brendan, great post! I agree that you can never stop learning and especially in sales, there are always new things to learn. I think that being complacent will never get you anywhere in life, and always having an open mind and being willing to learn no matter your position is a super important attribute to have. Great work!!

  3. Brendan, great post! I agree with what you said about how you are always learning in sales. It’s such a changing industry, so it’s best to always be keeping up with “the new”. Also, being flexible to do whatever and learn whatever will help your career in sales so much. Good post!

  4. Continuous learning is an important aspect of sales and helps someone become more adaptive to more situations thrown at them. The more salespeople have this skill the better they will do when a question or statement is said by a customer they’ve never heard before.

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