The best sales pitch you can give is one that the prospect won’t even realize what is happening.  Everyone is used to getting pitched to, typically traditional sales pitches will never lead to effective results.  The question and answer method of selling is so much more effective because of how subtle it is.  Engaging a prospect and letting them choose the talking points is much more likely to get them intrigued.  Any method that takes the pressure off the prospect, or even reverses the roles between buyer and seller is typically very useful.  Instead of taking the approach of selling yourself to a customer, it is better to make it seem like you are trying to see if the customer is a good fit for you.  This adds a level of exclusivity and adds value to your product or service.

2 thoughts on “Strider Frank-Post 8”
  1. You bring up a good point about role reversal here. We are so used to having information thrown in our face, that someone who willingly withholds information makes customers intrigued. I especially like how you mention relieving the pressure put on a prospect. All of the pushy salespeople I met practically pushed me out of their stores with all the pressure they put on me to buy, but somebody who asks questions and pulls people in never has to worry about scaring off potential customers. Overall a good article!

  2. Everyone hates when a salesperson is shoving their idea down your throat. Being subtle would throw the prospect off completely, especially if you were analyzing if they were a good fit for you.

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