Know when to move on

Not every relationship is built to last or get started, unfortunately. Read the signs early on in the relationship and know when you should walk away. It is ok, not every prospect will be the right fit for you or your company. You can save both parties time and effort by having that conversation early on. Even if they aren’t a fit today, that does not mean they will not be a fit later on. How you handle the situation will create respect, and may lead to a great referral.

The bad, the ugly, and the good

Just like dating, you will likely get rejected often in sales. You might get ‘dragged along’ by people who wish to work with you someday… just not today. They might also want to see other people or you could find love at first sight.

These, along with the many tips listed in earlier posts, are basic principles of dating and sales to utilize with every interaction with potential clients. Remember where you stand, be true in your dealings, and don’t waste your time with people who aren’t into you. Follow these tips and you can be lucky in the realm of sales and in love in the realm of dating.

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