Last summer, I got really into golf and needed a new driver. Once looking online and seeing all the options, I had no idea that there were a lot of details that go into it. Length of the club, stiff shaft, etc. I did not want to purchase it wrong since they range to $250 to $400 for one club. So, I went into a store to get some knowledge around it. The sales person, asked where I stood as a player, and what I need out of my driver. From this, he slected acouple for me to try. I tested them out and we went through the data of my ball on the technology they had at the store. From this, I was able to select the one that felt the best. From this buying experience, I got what I needed without being scared it was a bad purchase if I did it on line. The sales person was supper helpful, giving me info about each club from the style of play. Also, allowing me to feel comfortable with the purchase.

2 thoughts on “Great buying experience”
  1. Golf technology is incredible. I love how they sell you on how a club or a ball can fix how bad I am at playing the sport of golf. It is the only sport I know that is like that. In football nobody would tell a quarterback that ohh he just needs to switch the ball and he will throw it better. Like that is the generic logic used in golf. From a sales side of things it is important that they ranged what you were looking for in the buying experience.

  2. Exploring golf equipment online can be pretty overwhelming. Seeking guidance in-store, a salesperson can tailor options to the needs of a customer and play style, ensuring a confident and informed purchase.

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