10 Dating Do’s and Don’ts From 6 Therapists | Psychology Today

The ins and outs of dating are extremely similar to the art of sales. If you can sell yourself you can sell anything I have always been told.

Psychologists tell how the brain works and are extremely noticing when it comes to what people desire. In this case, people desire to be desired. Especially in the world of dating to hopefully create real connections and obtain love from selling themselves well.

DONT: Convince yourself you only have one type… this relates to sales by not limiting who your target market fully is just because they are not the perfect customer.

DONT: be overly critical or judgmental… but rather in sales be curious and genuinely care without judgment and be genuine.

DONT: come on too strong!… but rather allow the other person to speak and truly listen in sales is the key to understanding a customer/prospect’s needs and wants and same a relationship.

DONT: forget the rules of dating be a gentleman… this is important for salesmen to never cut off a prospect when talking and do not nudge them but let them finish their full thought.

DONT: be overly influenced by expectations from other… Do not let quota influence you… if the fit is not the right fit it is okay they are not the right customer for you.

DONT: talk about yourself and your past too much… much like not talking too early or much about your product in sales.

DONT: Monopolize the conversation or make yourself the highlight real… let the other person do most of the talking 70/30 keep the other person the focus by asking genuine, open ended, curious, dummy questions.

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