Sometimes a more indirect way is key to closing the deal. This is expressed in rule #45: express your feelings through third-party stories. Making yourself come off as less threatening and direct to the buyer. This also allows you to tell some of your feelings on a subject matter in a less personal way, giving the buyer more trust overall too well, too. Using theses third-party stories, it allows you to help the product conquer some underlying fears or guilts with their product that you may have not known about.   It is also always for a prospect to take potentially painful or embarrassing information without feeling hurt by it. After all, storytelling has been and always be a foundational cornerstone of human culture and communication. understanding how to tell a good story will help you in any situation, not just selling.

2 thoughts on “Thrid Party Stories”
  1. Like you mentioned, third-party stories are a great way to indirectly share about your business/organization in a personal, real way, but also without giving away too much information too early. It’s definitely an effective sales technique when used appropriately. Great post!

  2. I really like this third party story telling ideal! It allows more of a conversational and higher comfort level for you as the seller of a product or service. Sometimes it can come off as showy or boastful if the only engagement is on you as the seller.

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