Sandler Rule #6 is not the first concept thought of in sales situations because it pertains to events following a sale. This rule says: Don’t buy back tomorrow the product or service you sold today. At first glance, it is hard to tell what this rule means. The easiest way to explain this rule is that salespeople should not let their prospects feel buyer’s remorse the next day. This is a matter of integrity. You should only sell to a prospect that will truly benefit from your product or service. Let’s explore some practical ways to avoid buyer’s remorse.

Firstly, you should give the prospect a chance to back out of the deal. This is something the prospect does not typically expect from a salesperson. It will allow you to enhance your credibility, and it gives the prospect a chance to reconfirm their choice.

Secondly, you should revisit issues that might represent lingering doubt. Discussing concerns the prospect has before the sale is closed is incredibly important. This will prevent issues from arising after they buy, which leads to an unsatisfied customer.

Finally, review the reasons they want to buy. If the prospect has come this far in the conversation, it is as good of a guarantee that they truly want to buy from you. After discussing the doubts and issues with them, reviewing the positives is a helpful way to close the deal.

Following these three steps is a great way to fulfill Sander Rule #6: Don’t buy back tomorrow the product or service you sold today.

2 thoughts on “Core Concept #6”
  1. I love this outline of Mattson’s core concept #6. It is such an important strategy for selling with integrity. Caring about selling to the right person is honestly such a key in selling, and it’s neat that problems can be alleviated by addressing them. Discussing issues is possible with honesty and good motives, and will lead to more sales success when you invite and understand rejection.

  2. Making sure you are selling to the right person is key to a successful sales interaction. Discussing how to address and solve a problem that the buyer or prospect is having and making sure that they won’t regret it is key.

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