*Really, you only need to watch 30 seconds of this to get the point. The crux is at 01:42.

My uncle posted this video on my sister’s Facebook last semester. I was horrified at the disobedience of the kid – that he would treat his mother with such disrespect.

Somehow I stumbled upon it again a couple weeks ago and had a whole different view. Sure, the kid is super disrespectful and it bugs every nerve inside of me… but he is also trying to move his mother to his side – that he didn’t do anything wrong.

While the way he goes about “moving” his mother is not the most effective (not listening, talking over her, even diverting the conversation to other topics), his persistence is something to note. It’s not that we, as natural movers, want to continually harp on the subject like he is. In some situations, going for the no is what you want to do! But I could imagine this kid later on in life making a phone call, getting rejected, taking a breath (maybe), and making that next call. Yeah, that may be a little stretched, but perseverance in the process of moving others, especially in prospecting, is essential.

Also, knowing when to talk and when to listen is demonstrated here. He’s doing most of the talking instead of listening. Yeah, he’s only three and I can’t expect a three-year-old to sit down and say, “Now Mom, why did my disobedience of trying to get cookies upset you? … Can you tell me more about that?” But clearly, talking in circles gets both individuals irritated and creates a loggerheads situation.

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