In sales, selling to the right person is key to closing the deal and having a successful interaction with the prospect. Sandler rule #36 “Only decision makers can get to others decision makers “When in a sales meeting with mutable people, Identify the decision maker of the group. Even though there might be a couple of chapters of that group that seem very interested in what you have to offer, most likely it’s not their decision that matters but the one that’s sitting back and listening. Once you identified who that person is, ask THEM the questions because it’s their opinion that matters. No point in wasting resources on those who in the end will not make the final decision on signing off on you or the product you are pitching.

One thought on “Decision Making Process”
  1. Finding the decision maker is important in group sales because you could think you are closing a sale and then realize the person you are talking to isn’t the decision maker. In sales going straight to the person making the decision and questioning them is the main goal because their problems are the ones you want to meet.

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