Understanding that both you and the potential clients time is valuable allows for a clearer understanding to be met with both parties. This understanding can be easily made if you as the seller do a multitude of things. A- You thank the client for meeting with you and that you respect that their time is very valuable. B- You implement the idea that at any point in the conversation they feel as if they have a concern or question they make that abundantly clear.  C- Make a clear understanding that you want to be talking to all major decision makers and if not would be more than willing to reschedule. D- Allow for the potential client to understand that you absolutely understand that your set product may not suit their needs but for the most part that if they end the conversation with a maybe as a final answer that you will respectfully understand that your product does not fit their needs and that you wish them the best.

2 thoughts on “A Matter of Time”
  1. Absolutely agree with the point for respect for the client’s time is paramount in any sales interaction. Expressing gratitude for their time sets a positive tone from the get-go, showing that you value their schedule.

  2. This is a very beneficial post. It is so vitally important to respect the prospect’s time when selling to them; many people are very busy and do not want to have their time wanted, so if they see that you care as the seller about their time, they may be more inclined to buy from you.

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