A few weeks ago, Professor Sweet surprised us with the opportunity to practice what we had been learning in the classroom to a real life situation.  He told us that we would form into teams of 2-3 and would have 50 minutes to sell as many ducks for the ABT and Okie event, the Ducky Derby.  Ready, set, go.

My team decided to be strategic about who we asked to be our customers in order to have the most success.  Thus, we decided to go to professors as our primary customers.  Our process was this: We would ask if they had a few minutes to talk, if they knew about the Ducky Derby, and if we would be able to share about the event.  Then, we would proceed to explain that the proceeds go to local cancer patients and ask if they would be interesting in supporting the event by donating or buying a duck.

Through this process, we used several sales principles.  First, we sought to ask questions and allow them to do the talking they could (Rule #12 and 14).  Second, we tried to not spill our candy in the lobby and not give them unnecessary information (Rule #2).  Finally, we went for the no when we needed to in order to ensure that the customer did not feel pressured into buying.

Ultimately, this exercise was a great opportunity to practice selling in a real life situation,  throw ourselves into something that may be uncomfortable but gain experience, and raise money for a good cause.

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