My favorite class of the entire semester was probably the day we went and sold ducks for the Oakie’s event, the ducky derby. We had absolutely no notice, we just dropped everything and went to sell, attempting to utilize the skills we have been learning in sales class. We took a unique approach on this challenge, and targeted professors instead of students. We did this for a few reasons. The primary reason is that professors have deeper pockets than college students. If we targeted professors, we were sure to have a higher dollar-per-donation ratio. We also went to professors because they would usually have some sort of connection to one of the groups involved or the cause. This method worked out. I think we raised around 160$ in those forty-ish minutes. Our biggest donation was 30 bucks, which is fairly sizeable considering each duck was being sold at a price of three dollars. I learned and applied a lot of the skills that had been discussed in class up to that point. I think back on this experience as an extremely valueable lesson in sales.

2 thoughts on “Ducky Derby! #6”
  1. Great post Julia! I also really enjoyed this class. I think the idea of selling the ducks randomly on that day was really interesting and I had a good time doing it. I also thought that it was very beneficial to us to get real world experience trying to sell stuff to the various different grovers on campus.

  2. I also thought this was a great exercise and super fun. It definitely taught us a lot for how to sell and what prospects to go after.

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