One of the final things that we had to do in class was the sales conversation with one of the TAs or with Professor Sweet. I thought this was a great idea to do in class. Throughout the class we were taught the different rules when it came to sales. We were also taught the different techniques and ways that sales could be completed. By doing a sales conversation we were able to put all of the lectures to test by actually trying to make a sale. I wasn’t exactly too sure what I wanted to sell in the conversation; I decided to sell an epoxy floor, which is something that I actually do sell for my job.

Preparation was because I didn’t really know how a full sales conversation went, but after watching my classmates go about their sales conversion, I got the general gist of it. The best way that I thought to prepare for the sales conversation was by coming up with a list of questions that I could ask the buyer. These questions would guide the conversation and if the buyer tried to flip the conversation, then I could always resort back to the questions. It helped out that I knew what I was selling, and could easily talk about the product and then flip the conversation back to the buyer.

I learned a lot from the sales conversation. Whether that was during the preparation, while I was actually doing the conversation, or the feedback from Professor Sweet afterwards, there was a lot to be learned from it. One thing that I learned was that no matter how prepared you are, a sales conversation is still just a conversation. You can ask a lot of questions but by just having a conversation could lead to a better outcome and a possible sale. 

2 thoughts on “Sales Conversation”
  1. I loved your sales conversation and thought you did fantastic. It is encouraging to see how you have reflected on it and will be using the feedback going forward!

  2. I loved doing the sales convo too. I feel a little different though. I prepared a little bit and it seemed to help out a lot. I feel like going into a sale knowing your product better is always the way to go. I loved your pitch too!

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