There are many different aspects that go into making a sale. In today’s world a lot of people can be caught up in the fast moving conversations that are going on. Some people forget that it is important to just be a human. Having a positive attitude and being friendly can go a long way in sales. Being friendly creates a more personable atmosphere for both the buyer and seller. It shows the buyer that you actually care about them and the product. Being friendly in a sales conversation could lead to more business and a loyal customer base for your company.

Being friendly can help build a healthy relationship with the customer. The customer will be more comfortable asking and answering questions about the product. Being friendly can also create a positive perception of your company. Meaning that the customer will be more likely to recommend your company to their friends/partners. Sales don’t always end in a yes, most of the time the sale ends in an objection. A friendly approach to the conversation can lead to the objection either going smoothly or it could be overturned. Friendliness shouldn’t be fake, you should genuinely be interested and care about the customer. 

Friendliness won’t make every sale go through, but it will help with some, and also create lasting relationships with the customers. To me, I believe that being friendly with the customer can lead to a lot more than a sale. It definitely makes the conversations easier with the possibility of a sale high. If you care about the customer and if they truly need your product, the customer is more likely to care about you and the product that you’re offering. Some keys to show friendliness are to be a good listener, show that you are genuinely interested, have positive body language, and finally, be enthusiastic towards the customer.

3 thoughts on “The Art of being friendly”
  1. Being genuinely friendly is a great way to combat the stereotypes about salesmen. People often feel that either a salesman is pushy and rude or far too familiar. The “friendliness” of salesmen comes across as fake much of the time. But being genuinely friendly is a great way to make a distinction between yourself and other salesmen.

  2. I think you do a great job of being friendly and building relationships with others which will go a long way in sales. The ability to building this bonding and rapport allows you to have a genuine relationship with the prospect built on trust. So, when it comes time to close the sale, they definitely will be more comfortable with it all. Great post!

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