Over the weekend I had to visit the Marshalls in Cranberry, where I will be working this summer, to meet my future employers. It was a pleasure to meet them and they seemed like they will be great people to work for. Over the summer I will work under one store manager and two assistant managers. In meeting all of them for the first time, I couldn’t help but feel like I was trying to sell myself to them. I wanted to come across as polite and eager to learn and work. To do this, I had to effectively communicate my unique skill set and demonstrate why I felt they had made the right choice in hiring me.

I asked many questions during my meeting. Some of these questions were just to satisfy questions I had in my mind about my future employment, but others were different. I asked many questions to help guide the rest of my conversation so I could answer any questions they might have had about me. I used this strategy to convey to the managers that I was eager to learn from them and to show them that I would be an efficient and excellent worker for them. I have no doubt that I made a positive impression on them and am looking forward to starting work over the summer.

3 thoughts on “Selling to Future Employers”
  1. Asking good questions is imperative in a sales process. It takes intelligence to ask good, pertinent questions. It shows that you know what you are doing and you know what is important. Good post Logan, I am sure you will do very well this summer!

  2. Great post! I think we all tend to naturally sell ourselves but working on strategic questions is a skill that can definitely help you succeed in the business world.

  3. Nice work, Logan. The ability to ask good questions is such a huge factor in success. This can be said in all sorts of business scenarios from an interview, or a million dollar sale.

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