Is there a difference between selling something you are passionate about and selling something that doesn’t really matter to you? I would argue that no matter what you are selling you should at least have some passion and love for your product and its benefits. Believing you are selling something that will truly benefit your prospect can be very beneficial, especially if the prospect can see your passion. When selling something you have no passion for, burnout and dissatisfaction are bound to set in and I doubt your sales will be very high. Also, having too much passion for what you are selling can also be bad. Being too passionate can make you talk way too much and lose sales. Having a healthy passion for what you are selling is what will motivate you but prevent you from over talking.

By Funyak

5 thoughts on “Selling your passion”
  1. I think this is a very good point. There is a healthy balance between no passion and too much in a sales situation. It seems to me that when a salesperson doesn’t care about their product, it almost gives the customer permission to feel the same way. If you are excited about an item you buy, you may not feel disappointed the next day, but you may eventually come to feel the same way that the salesman seemed to feel about the product.

  2. This is a good point, I personally would not want to enter into selling anything that I did not believe in. I think that creates a sort of ethical dilemma for the salesperson, and also does not go about helping to build good business. On the other hand, it is important to learn how to see value in things you would not normally be passionate about so that you can learn to sell a variety of things.

  3. I agree that being too passionate about your product can have a negative effect because you won’t be able to handle the disappointment when people turn you down. If you have no passion, you aren’t going to make sales either because if you don’t believe in your product why should anyone else. This is a good point and it is necessary to find a happy medium between being passionate about your product but not overly passionate.

  4. I agree with your point. Too much passion can be a very bad thing when it comes to sales. This makes me think of the new beachbody trend. I know that my friends and I all talk about how annoying the people that sell it are. They are so passionate but they take it too far and end up annoying people.

  5. Nice work Mr. Funyak. You have a very good point. Passion can motivate people to go over-board sometimes. It’s all about finding that proper balance of expressing that passion.

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