Over the past couple weeks of the semester in class I began to think about how everything we have gone over in class can be brought together.  There has to be a foundation in “Sales” where all the rules and techniques come from.  I thought about being on the other end sales, the buyer, and wondered what really pushed me to making a buying decision.  It wasn’t any specific feature or warranty but what did push me toward purchase was the salesman himself.

The relationship with a client should be your main focus when pushing a sale.  Before even mentioning your product to a potential client you should get to know them.  It creates a sense of trust on the buyers side as well as gives you some background information on whether or not you could even help them to begin with.  To the buyer, you will feel less like a salesman and more like a friend which can break down so many barriers in the sales process.

As an ethical salesman, your job is to solve problems or fufill needs.  Getting to know the people you are trying to serve is a crucial factor that comes into play in reaching that end goal.

One thought on “Your Selling a Relationship, Not a Product”
  1. I agree completely! As a salesman, you are there to be a solutions provider for your customers. Too many people get rapped up in the bells and whistles of their product. It’s about who is selling it and what problems are you going to solve for them. Not to mention, a great relationship with a customer allows you to have multiple sales. one sale is great but the hope is that they will become a loyal customer of yours.

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