Traditional sales puts so much emphasis on what you are selling. The traditional salesman is very focused on what they are selling, but not focused enough on why. A product is really just something to achieve an experience or solve a problem. You buy a car so you are able to drive. You may buy it because it gets you from A to B, because it’s a luxury experience, or because of a brand. But, you buy it for a reason. Everybody buys everything for a reason. So, why would it ever be a good idea to focus on what you are selling instead of why you are selling it? It would never  be a good idea.

Salesmen need to focus on why they are selling what they are. They need to understand the pain that they are trying to solve for their customers. Otherwise, they will never be very successful. Some products have very specific reasons why people buy them. Others might not be so obvious. But, regardless of whether they are or aren’t salespeople must be concerned with them. The experience is what you need to sell.

One thought on “Why?”
  1. This post is spot on! Sometimes we get so consumed in trying to make a sale that we forget about what our prospect’s pain is and we end up selling them something they don’t want or need. As salespeople, we need to understand that we are trying to help people and not just sell them a product to make some money. Good post!

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