If anyone has ever been apart of Greek life then they know what rush is like. There are a lot of occasions where you are with a “rush” one on one, but most of the time you are in large groups.

Group selling can be very difficult because each person brings their own personality to the table. When talking to girls you need to make sure that you keep their “pains” in mind and not your own. We try to let the “rush” talk as much as possible. We don’t want to paint sea gulls in their picture. A lot of the time you talk to girls that are not interested in joining your group. That is totally okay, that is when you don’t want to spill your candy in the lobby.

We try really hard to let girls pick their own group. We don’t want to force someone to join ours, especially if it is not right for them. Towards the end of the process members turn into more of consultants then “sales women” for the sorority. That is the best thing for the “rushes,” we have their best interests in mind.

2 thoughts on “Team Sales – Sorority”
  1. My fiance was in a greek group I definitely see that transition from saleswomen to consultants. That’s very important with sororities, it gets ugly when they don’t get along.

  2. I think that is a great perspective to have to help them choose what is best for them. You don’t want to guilt or force anyone into joining a group they don’t want to be a part of; that won’t benefit either party. But by acting as a consultant you can help guide them to a decision that will benefit both groups.

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