Looking back at Sales in the Start-up several things come to mind. There were several experiences that Professor Sweet offered the class that I really took to heart.

1. Evan Adams – The lectures that Evan Adams gave in class were fantastic. Listening to the point of view of someone`who is so young really gives me real hope for what the future could hold. Evan’s story about the Masters has the most influence on me. I know that at this point in the company life cycle they are no longer a start-up, but it was still really cool! Listening to all of the marketing they did and how they used such a publicized event to get free advertising was genius.

2. Professor Sweet’s Teaching Style – To most people that are not entrepreneurship majors discussing things in class by telling stories and acting out scenarios seems kinda odd, but in reality it will really help. You might not think about it now, but one day you willing be in a situation that correlates to a story Sweet told or acted out in class and you will remember it. This teaching style really helps to put things in perspective and what a “real life situation” would look like.

Overall I thought it was a fantastic class and I have been recommending that people take the course. Even if they are not entrepreneurship majors, this type of selling is a great thing to know how to do.

2 thoughts on “As We Come To A Close…”
  1. I loved the way that we were able to incorporate examples into the material, even if they were sometimes a bit ridiculous! They will help me to remember the techniques, and I understood the lessons much more because of it.

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