Closing the deal is pretty important. But according to Sandler’s Rule 31: “close the sale or close the file” what is important is just making a decision. As I prepare to graduate, there are a lot of questions unanswered. Things like “when will I see you again” and “what’s next for you” and “are you going to continue doing xyz” keep coming up, when I frequently don’t know the answer. For many people, I am not in a place to say when I will see them next. I can’t give a definitive answer. But as we have learned, what is even more important than the close is closure. It is appropriate, and better, to say “I don’t think I will see you again” and get closure than it is to just leave the file open. The same applies in sales. It is much better to get a negative response than it is to just endlessly pour into the prospect without ever getting any real closure. In life it is better to accept a “no” than it is to dwell on tiny possibilities that may never happen. Even though this may be hard (especially if it might be a big sale) closure will save you time and energy. And then of course we can trust the Lord to bring along new prospects who may suit us better in the right place and the right time.

2 thoughts on “Sales and the Close”
  1. Interesting post. I’ve always thought that life was a sale in itself- You are always selling yourself to someone or some company as long as you work or retire.

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