Sales can be a very hard job, depending on what you are selling. The question is, what is the hardest thing to sell? It could be anything. It could be brake pads such as what Tommy sold in Tommy Boy. It could be condos, which are tough to sell depending on where the location is and who you are trying to sell to. Cars can be a tough sell too depending on the market, type of car, and potential customer needs. Everyone has their own opinion. (this is intended to be somewhat funny)

I would contend that the toughest sell is life insurance. It’s hard to convince people to buy life insurance. People don’t usually buy life insurance because they want to. They know it’s the right thing to do. Think about it, a life insurance salesmen has got to talk about the person dying. They have to convince the person that even though they are healthy now, they always have a chance to die. How depressing is that? Meanwhile, many times the easier sell is to the person who’s healthy and young, due to price and the fact that they would rather insure someone they don’t have to pay a claim on.

So to sum up a life insurance salesman, he has to convince people to buy insurance at a young age in the case that they die prematurely. The worst part is, he wants them to live as long as possible so they can keep paying for the policy. It’s definitely a difficult sell.

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