How important is word-of-mouth for salesmen? I would say it’s very important and here’s why.

Word-of-mouth is a great tool for companies who have great products. By creating a great product that people like, they essentially create unpaid sales people, and good ones at that. What makes them so good? The people they end up selling to, aren’t thinking of it as a sale. It’s not like they are talking to a paid sales person who is trying at all costs to get you to buy the product. Instead, they are usually talking and listening to someone the trust, who thoroughly enjoys the product. They go to tell them that they should try it and it doesn’t come off as a sales pitch.

A company enjoys this for a couple reasons. They are getting free advertising. The word-of-mouth tells the customer about the product without the company having to pay to advertise for it. They also get the proceeds from the sale. The only people in the company that may not like it are the sales people who work off of a commission because they may lose a piece of the sale if the customer goes out of the way to get the product. Generally, they still won’t be upset if they get to keep their job due to the business doing well.

So remember the next time you recommend a product to your friend, you should probably be getting paid if they go buy it.

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