In sales, it is important to sell, obviously. But what comes before the sale? The skills necessary to be a good sales person actually have very little to do with selling but are skills simply needed to be effective in any career.  Typical product knowledge is obviously necessary, but what will separate you is the traits you were taught by your parents in elementary school. We have all heard our parents say “Jimmy you need to be nice to your friends”, well same is true with someone you are selling to, they need to be a “friend”, not a customer. This will automatically create sincerity that the client will recognize and in return, create trust. Secondly, my mom would always say “Larry you have two ears and one mouth, listen more than you talk” although my mom did not work in sales this lesson is vital and simple. Simply, listen to what your  “friend” is interested in and you will be that much more prepared to offer them a solution, turning you from a sales person to a problem solver. Lastly, be honest with you “friends” when your mom said “Jimmy make sure you don’t lie” when you find a solution for your “friend” that’s great, but there will be time when you won’t have a solution and the honesty to help your “friend” find the answer will build a relationship that makes selling easy.

3 thoughts on “Making sales = Making friends”
  1. Great point about how all sales starts with a relationship. If a client feels that he/she can trust the salesperson and that the salesperson is primarily interested in satisfying the need for the customer, they will be much more likely to come back for return sales and continue that relationship going forward.

  2. I really do believe in this type of attitude in sales. It’s simple, just be kind to others. I think being friendly with clients is so important than just treating them as another customer because like you said it will show sincerity and may lead to the customer returning.

  3. I completely agree with your point about the importance of being kind to customers. First and foremost it is simply our role as Christians to treat others well, this remains in sales however, there is a bit of technical reason why this is important as well. I was once told that sales it not just about the one sale you complete, it is all about the relationship you establish with your client. If you are kind and honest with your client they are far more likely to conduct regular business with you.

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