When I think about the interactions I have had with salesmen/women and the different experiences that have occurred, the businesses and companies that keep me coming back for more always have a couple characteristics in common.

  • Good customer service relationship

One thing that stands out to me about those good sales experiences is that I felt valued, respected, and listened to as a customer. An example for me would be Chick-fil-A: this business has always treated me with utmost kindness and respect, and they prove to have wonderful customer service again and again. It makes me like a company or a business if their sales representatives or employees are kind and respectful and treat me with respect. Though first impressions aren’t everything, one person really can make a difference for me.

  • Humility

Another quality I noticed that all my good sales experiences have included is humility. Often times, I see this when the business I am buying from makes a mistake-they get something wrong on my order, forget to ship something together or many other mistakes that easily occur. What makes the difference to me is when the business is quick to recognize, apologize, and sometimes even offer compensation for their mistakes. To me this shows humility in the company to be able to admit a mistake and recognize that none of us are perfect, rather than some businesses that try to defend themselves or put the blame on the customer.

There are many other qualities that make companies stand out and make my experience as a buyer great, but these two especially keep me a loyal customer!

One thought on “Experience as a Buyer”
  1. I think being able to have humility is a great trait to have. When someone is able to admit that they have done something wrong it goes a long way in my book. When i was at Disney World a month ago one of the restaurants there was having trouble making my families food at the time because there were so many people. We ended up getting our food some time later. But they gave us fast passes because we had to wait so long. Now, these workers did not have to do this at all. Especially because of how packed the place was. But it goes to show how much they care about our experience which really means a lot.

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