Selling is hard. It is no longer the “cheesy car salesman”  that gets the deal but the intelligent and empathetic person. Selling takes an ability to listen critically to ideas and filter them to find someone’s pain point, then offer a solution. We all have had the experience where a guy comes up and starts rattling off every single feature of a T.V. before asking you what you are looking for in the electronics department when you simply in need of Justin Timberlake Album. not only does this show that the person is not interested in you but also that you are annoyed with the “guy” and most likely avoid him on your next trip. Less is more — when it comes to talking it’s the new truth of sales, the more you listen the better you can solve your clients needs and become a better seller. If you do not listen effectively you could end up with no sale and “Digging yourself in a hole” where the client will never come back to you for advice. Let the client do the work of telling you his problem, you just have to be willing to listen for the Pain.

3 thoughts on “Less Is More : “Digging yourself DEEPER into a hole””
  1. I think “digging yourself in a hole” is something that commonly happens in the world of sales. Often times, instead of listening to your customer’s wants and needs, salespeople will only focus on their goal of selling their particular product or service. If you don’t listen to your customer, you are likely to dig yourself into a hole and end up without a sale.

    1. I think this is where empathy in sales comes into play. Being able to listen to and relate to the customer is such an undervalued skill. Empathy not only builds trust but differentiates you from the rest of the competition.

  2. I liked how you mentioned, “Digging yourself into a hole”. I find it becoming more apparent that salespeople tend to talk way more than what is needed. As an extrovert myself, I understand that it may be tough for someone to sit back and listen, but it’s crucial in being a successful salesperson. Figuring out the pains of the customer, and solving those pains is key in building lasting relationships. Which is key for a company to become more profitable.

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