Stop and think for a second. Have you ever taken an exam and told yourself beforehand, “I know this. I will get an A?” And after the whole thing is said and done with, you’re only disappointed to find out that you didn’t do as hot as you were thinking?

Well if nobody confesses then I guess I’ll have to! I always psych myself up and repeat nothing but positivity in my head before an exam that I think I’ll “crush.” As weird as it sounds, this may not be the best way to shine through our psychic windows.

According to Daniel Pink’s To Sell is Human, the most effective form of self-talk does more than merely shift emotions. It moves from making statements to ASKING QUESTIONS. People talk to themselves all the time! Whether it’s that creepy guy always whispering to himself or a salesperson getting ready for a pitch. But nobody ever thinks of asking themselves a question! Questioning whether or not you can face the difficulty ahead is often times MORE POSITIVE and MORE EFFECTIVE than pumping yourself up in an electrifying moment!

I’m not sure how many people actually read my posts but I think it would be cool to start, right now, questioning whether or not you’re ready for that exam or whether or not you can be a great salesperson. Thinking about it this way makes you realize your strengths and weaknesses, leaving room for improvement that can make a world of difference.

In the wise words of Bob the Builder, “Can we fix it?” Even he knew that the most effective self-talk is neither positive nor declarative. By asking a question, you are moving yourself to be a better you!

So whether you’re running a race, making a sale or even taking an exam, without negativity or doubtfulness ask yourself: Can I do this? This is a key to moving yourself.

Happy Selling!

~Zach B.

By zberry7

One thought on “Moving Yourself”
  1. Such wise words from Bob the Builder! I think this is such a good point. We always look at sales as moving others but rarely at how to move ourselves. Without understanding the second it makes it so much harder to do the first.

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