Today we had a Praxis representative come in and talk to our class about what he does and what Praxis does as a whole. However, two things that he said really intrigued me. Someone had brought up the question: “what are some things that you are looking for in the people that you hire?” and his answer was simple but yet very profound: “good work ethic and self-worth”.

I think most of us can agree that a solid work ethic is going to get you far in anything that you pursue, but the second answer of his really made me think.

So often, and especially in the work place, we have a tendency to confuse arrogance and confidence. Today Zach clearly laid out that those two things are not the same. I think that this is something that us aspiring business people (especially those looking to land a sales role) needs to keep in the back of our minds. People formulate first impressions in less than 10 seconds, and especially all of the negative connotations that are already related to sales people, we can refute those by keeping these principles that Zach has informed us today in mind. You can be confident without being cocky, and you don’t want to turn off any customers. We need to be constantly aware of how we are perceived and do our best not to fall into any of the pres-supposed and assumptive categories that are out there blaspheming sales roles. No two sales people are the same and we need to be  differential in this space.

Ephesians 4:2

One thought on “Work Ethic & Self-Worth”
  1. I agree that this was a really good point that Zach made in class today. As a young professional, he gave us great advice about navigating the workplace and how to appear confident without coming off as arrogant. He said it is important to be conscious of how we present ourselves to others.

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