We all know what to say when a deal goes our way, right?  But what about when a deal goes bust?  Sometimes what a salesperson says after a deal doesn’t close, can be the determining factor of whether or not that deal can be brought back to life.  3 phrases in particular may end up keeping lost deals alive.

  1. “You picked a great company to work with.”
    • Staying positive and taking failure as a means for growth, usually is the best case scenario.  If a customer ends up not going through with a deal and tells that company that they won’t be purchasing the product/service anymore, it’s very easy for that company to respond negatively.  Putting the customer’s needs, although, is the best way to build trusting relationships.
  2. “Let us know how we can make your transition process easier.”
    • Although things didn’t go as planned, keeping a good attitude after losing a deal can be the deciding factor for some.  Making sure that you let the customer know that you’re here to help them is key.  It allows for trust to start building which can lead to future deals.
  3. “Let’s be sure to stay in touch.”
    • Although this cliche line is often said and never actually implemented, when it comes to prospects who have turned you down, it’s important to actually follow through.  It shows the customer that you actually care for their needs or pains, and that you are willing to do whatever it takes to make sure of that.  By doing this alone, customers will see the genuine nature of a company, and will want to buy from it in the future.


One thought on “3 Phrases That Provide Hope For Lost Deals”
  1. Staying in touch is so vital. I remember Wendy Mascio said that she would try to give business cards to anyone she could at networking events and made sure to follow up if she did not hear from them within a week. Even if that customer doesn’t directly do business with you, they might refer you to a big client.

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